Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Scattered Brain Cells All About

I've felt scattered the past week. Well, few weeks. Okay fine, the past couple of months. I've gone from finishing the revisions on The Outlaw Bride, to roughing out and preparing my contemporary for an editor's perusal, to re-reading Brimstone and readying that for The Emily, and now back once again to The Outlaw Bride to prep the agent queries.

I think all the dancing around from one project to the other has made me feel like I haven't stopped anywhere long enough to really sink my teeth into something. But at the same time, I need to tie up some loose ends. I need to get the agent queries off. Outlaw Bride is ready for submission and I don't want to hold up getting it out there. I love this story and these characters and think they deserve to be sitting on a bookshelf at a store near you. So scary as it is to toss my kids out into the big, bad world of the publishing industry I'm cutting the cord and sending them on their way. I know once that is done then I can sit down and sink my teeth back into Brimstone and deal with the emotional mess that is Devlin Kane. And that's what I really want, to get my teeth sunk back into something. To gnaw away at the story, chew it up and spit it back out. Not exactly a warm and fuzzy image but, hey, I'm hungry and it's time for second breakfast.

I did manage to rough out my query letter for The Outlaw Bride to a form I'm almost happy with. I still have the synopsis to tackle and that will start next week. Then I'll make one final tweak of the manuscript to ensure it is ready to be sent out should I get any requests back. WHEN I get requests back. Think positive...think positive...


Melissa Amateis said...

The whole "business" side of writing can sometimes suck the creativity right outta ya.

Kelly Boyce said...

Tell me about it. That's why I posted a pix of Conner just to keep me in the right frame of mind :-)

Tess said...

Scattered is how I've been feeling too, for the same reasons - working on three stories in various stages can do that, I guess *g*.

And I can't imagine you not getting requests back!

Julie S said...

You're on the right track, so...think positive! You'll get requests, don't worry.