Incoherent Ramblings of a Madwoman
I wrote five pages this morning, three of which I will probably turf. It was one of those scenes where I started rambling and by the end of it completely forgot what the heck my point was or where I was supposed to be going with it. I know I need a transition scene, but I can't just have my characters meandering about with no purpose, and yet that's what I ended up with. Not a good thing considering I can't afford to be wasting pages given that I only have 70 left in which to wrap this whole thing up. Granted, I know I'm probably going to end up about 50 pages over my count (really, who am I kidding thinking I'll bring the page count in where it should be in the first draft...) but still, meandering scenes annoy me, especially when I write them.
On the plus side, I think I'm slowly getting my head wrapped around my presentation on revisions for my chapter's April meeting. It is starting to come together in some type of semi-coherent structure that I think I can work with. I am determined to finish it this weekend even if I have to chain myself to the computer.
And one day left before the GH calls go out...not that I'm counting...or thinking about it at all...not even a little...
I've done that. I usually end up cutting the scenes, too. Hope you get some good ones out of it. Good luck tomorrow!
Oh, I hate meandering scenes, too. You get so frustrated after you write them because you KNOW you were meandering!
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