My road isn't plowed and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it into work today, or if I even want to attempt it seeing as even the roads that are plowed still remain a mess of slush, ice and snow. This leads me to ask myself - is my day job worth dying for? Hm. Uh, no. Is it worth crashing my car for and sending my insurance rates through the roof? Uhhh...no.
So I have emailed my bosses to let them know I will be working from home this morning until the roads are better. I'm only 10 minutes from work on clear roads so when they're good to go I can get there pretty quick. Luckily I'm currently working on a project I access from home, provided my boss sends me the web link to it. Although, oddly, I am not one of these people that likes to work from home. I prefer to keep all things ING at the office. I don't want the day job infiltrating the inner sanctum. But I don't want to wrap my car around a telephone pole either. Que sera.
Meanwhile, back at Brimstone, I have finally finished the scene I have been struggling with for the past two weeks. It has been written and added into the manuscript and I am now moving on to the next one, thankful to leave the library at Lord Thackleton's far behind me. Whew. That one was killer. I'll give it a few days before I go back and read through it to do a little tweaking. My goal this week is to edit a minimum of 50 pages. I need to play catch up if I have any hope of getting this manuscript cleaned up and out the door by end of February.
And...oh wait...crap...I think I hear the plow...sigh...pardon me peoples, I see some shoveling in my very near future.
The roads actually aren't all that bad. They are a slushy mess but they don't seem to be icy. My bus was on time all the way through. Walking on the sidewalks is a whole different story however.
The roads never seem bad when you're on the bus. It's when you're behind the wheel of your own car that it's a different story. I think I'll sit tight til lunch.
I got down my street/hill and over to Spring Garden Road with minimal sliding; the roads aren't all that bad. Although, Christine reports that the Circumferential wasn't fantastic when she came through a few hours ago.
Good luck!
Eh...I'm enjoying a coffee break right now. I'll think about it in an hour.
I hate driving on snow. Well, especially if it's the icy sleet stuff under the snow. Stay safe!
I'm still impressed by the ability to work from home. I'm also not a big fan of driving in unsafe conditions just to stick to a non-Mother-Nature driven schedule.
We had a major melting day yesterday - got rid of a lot of snow and ice. It's not bad out today, but tomorrow it's supposed to get cold again.
I loved working from home when I had the chance with the last job. Unfortunately, the job I have now doesn't allow it. :-(
(((Kelly))) on the not so fun weather.
Sorry the weather outside is so yucky. Well, I could send you a little sunshine if you sent me a little rain. :)
The plow still hasn't shown up on my street. It plowed from the corner up but must have decided those on this side of the intersection could just stay home all day - and night.
Did you make it to work?
I did. I rolled in at 11:45, just in time to turn the computer on and go to lunch. :)
Boo for snowplows! I hate it when they fill up the bottom of my nice clean driveway. Yeah on getting the scene done!! The rest will be easier for you. I can feel it. :)
Ahhh snow. YUCK! We had a dumping just recently. Me no like.
Honestly it just saps my strength watching it.
Winter and me aren't friends!!
My screensaver is a tropical beach. Dare to dream, right?
And I think everyone has heard my take on winter driving, so I don't blame you for not taking that chance.
Yay on getting that scene the way you want. Good luck with the rest of your revisions!!
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