Well what I did get done was maybe 10 handwritten pages. I think at some point over the five days I may have washed some dishes. I did get some movies watched, a little reading done, a lot of laying on the couch completed. It wasn't a total waste. Maxx came over Friday night and we started brainstorming and talking about her manuscript. I sent her off with some homework to do before next Friday.
On Saturday I made the mad attempt to go to the mall and then scurried back home after I realized every freak in the city was behind the wheel of a car and only half of them seemed to remember how to drive. The malls were insane and I wasn't in a people mood. I grabbed some food from the grocery store, forgot half of what I actually needed, and went back home and puttered around. Sunday I spent the day on the couch, did a little writing and reading, then went to my parents for Easter dinner. Monday I made my yearly trek to my psychic which is always a lot of fun. I like to call it my annual therapy. Even if it isn't always good news, although most of it was, it's a nice confirmation that I'm on the right track.
Tuesday I wrote in the morning (finally, a sign of productivity...) and then picked up a couple of movies and books at the library. The afternoon was spent with my sister and newest nephew hanging out at my house and the evening was filled with movies. By the way, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants should have come with a warning label. I wasn't expecting it to be that tear-inducing.
As for my workouts, getting my walks in was a complete wash out, no pun intended. Well maybe a little. We're on our sixth day of rain now I think. I've lost track. I'm in desperate need of some sunshine. The dampness is getting into my bones to the point where I feel waterlogged from the inside out.
Anyway, I guess I'm ready to get back to my regularly scheduled program, not that sitting in a cubicle for eight hours a day thrills me, but I'm feeling a little shack-wacky so getting out of the house and seeing some familiar faces won't be so bad. At least for the first hour. Then I'll be wishing for the solitude of my couch once again.
good luck with real world re-entry! It took me 2 full weeks to get my act together after the last vacation I took...
Glad you got some relaxation on your break. Yay for that!
I haven't read Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants yet. Must check that out. :)
Sounds like a perfect long weekend to me :-) Congrats on getting those 10 pages written. Hope that rain lets up soon!!
I took my daughter to see Sisterhood... not because I wanted to see it, but she had read the book and wanted to see it with me. Well... lordie lordie... I lost count how many kleenex I went through. She laughed and I cursed her. But it was one of those mother/daughter moments I will remember for a long long time. Glad we saw it together.
Sometimes its good not to do anything. I go a bit stir crazy if I'm seperated from my regular routine too long. When I worked, I looked forward to going back after vacation. Not because I loved my job but because I felt content to have a routine.
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