Anyway, needless to say, I am dragging my butt this morning, and it didn't help I spent the night having this strange dream where my parents were renovating a house that looked like the private waiting room in some airport. The lounge/house was packed with my brother, sister, niece and nephews, best friend, Mom and a few other kids I didn't recognize. When I asked my nephew, who turns four this coming weekend, if I could get one of the newly renovated rooms he said that no, that wouldn't work, put on this toy phone set earpiece and pretended to book me a room at a hotel, the entire time referring to me as Mrs. Tinsley. The whole thing was so bizarre I was actually laughing as I woke up.
But today, despite my bleary-eyed brain numbness, I need to finish working on my outline so I can get things straightened out and in order for the last third of my book. I think I need to print off what I have done so far and read through as well to see how it is all gelling together. Now...if only I can keep my eyes open, I'll be all set.
You know, I think the fact that I said 'the day the year comes' only goes to show I should not stay up past 11 pm...
Oscar night is second only to Christmas Eve in my yearly calendar of excitement. I will only miss it if I'm stuck in a tree somewhere, dangling by a parachute thread. And since I never plan to go skydiving, luckily that possibility is remote. And since I never go to bed early anyway, no one can tell the difference in my early-morning functionality, post-Oscars or just a typical day.
I'm bleary eyed too. We got home from our Oscar do around midnight, I fell asleep before 1, but woke up again around 3.
LOVED the show :-) Jon Stewart was great!
Yay Paul Haggis for winning with Crash!!!
Did you eat cheese before bedtime because that is one bizarre dream. I'll put some thought into it while I pretend to work.
ps... because there's hotmail issues in Podland and I can't email you from my set... but FYI: Annoying Girl with a Suspected Secret Life is here today so apparently she hasn't been jettisoned... stay tuned...
Hotmail issues in Podland?! Say it ain't so!!
I didn't watch the Oscars. I thought about going over to my mom's to watch it since I don't have rabbit ears or anything on my t.v., but I knew we wouldn't get home in time for my daughter to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
I'm glad Rachel Weisz won, though - she's one of my favorite actresses. :)
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