Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Another Year Done and Gone

I actually missed the countdown to the New Year. I was watching a movie and when it ended at 1 AM, I flicked off the DVD and saw the ball had just finished dropping in New York City, an hour behind where I'm at. I stared at the television a second and then went...oh yeah...it's New Year's Eve...right. Yup, rocked in the New Year with as much enthusiasm as usual. Insert eye roll here.

Anyway, once I realized 2006 had snuck up on me unnoticed, I decided I should think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year and made myself a little list. That's right people, another list.

And here they are -- my goals for 2006:

1) Query agents

2) Finish Desire & Brimstone by June 30th and send out proposals

3) Outline and finish first draft of Saving Grace (Book 2)

4) If not contracted, enter Desire & Brimstone in the Golden Heart

So what does everyone else have planned for the year?

On a side note, for those interested, my sister did have her baby at 9:50 pm on December 23rd. A 9 lb baby boy (Malcolm Liam Alexander) with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Unfortunately for my sister, it was a c-section so she had to spend Christmas in the hospital, but we made frequent treks out to see her and brought presents and pumpkin pie, then we had our Christmas dinner and sock swap on the 27th after she got sprung.

Oh and get this, Canada Post seems to have 'misplaced' the package I sent to HQN with my requested manuscript. As of December 30th they had a trace on it. It was last seen in US customs. So much for Xpresspost's guaranteed arrival within 6 days...


Tess said...

They LOST your ms in Customs? Oh, for God's sake - HOW did they manage that? Idiots.

Congrats on the nephew!! I take it there's a lot of Scottish/Irish ancestry there?

LOL re your New Years - this year was the first party we'd been to in years - usually we're at home alone or with family if we're out in BC for the hols.

Kelly Boyce said...

I'm hoping the ms just got lost in the holiday shuffle. If I don't hear back from CP by mid afternoon I'll give them a call. They said if they can't find it after 24 hours they reimburse you. I'm thinking that's nice, but I'd rather you just FIND IT and send it to where it's going...

Melissa Amateis said...

I love your nephew's name! Congrats!!!

I did the same as you did for New Year's Eve - stayed home and vegged. No partying for me this year.

My goals for this year: finish the manuscript.