Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Freedom on the Horizon

Three days to go and then I have a glorious five days off! Woo hoo!! I love vacation.

To make it even better, writing this week has been going great. I've spent the past week reconstructing some scenes in the first third of the book and writing some new ones. The new stuff is working out really well. I think, now that I know the characters better than when I started, I'm better able to create what I need in order to get where I want to go. Plus it's a refreshing change writing some new stuff rather than just rehashing things that have been revised a few times over already. I'm really starting to look forward to reading the final, finished version of The Outlaw Bride to see how it all comes together.

Meanwhile, I'm struggling a bit, trying to decide which books to work on next. I know Desire & Brimstone will definitely be next up as that one has some requests for partials on it so I need to get it done. And book two of that series, Saving Grace, I'm really looking forward to as well because the characters are so rich and complex, so I know they'll be a lot of fun to write. But the new western idea I came up with is burning in my cranium and where I keep hearing how the western is going to swing back around in the next year or so, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be to my benefit to get that written up. And then I have this idea for a contemporary that has taken hold. I'm not sure where it fits in the genre. The romance between the two characters is definitely central, but it doesn't fit a line so I think it may be more mass market fiction or women's fiction. Not sure. I think I'll just write the thing and figure out where it goes afterwards.

When Jo Beverley was down the other week talking to our chapter she mentioned that she often has three projects going at once, one of which is a 'fun' project, something out of the ordinary that she allows herself to take chances with etc. One of her books, The Shattered Rose, which happens to be my personal favorite of hers, was one of these projects. She said if she gets stuck on one project, she'll jump to another until whatever had her stuck works itself out. I thought I might try this, only have the contemporary as the fun project. I might even, dare I say it, try flying into the mist with that one. I know who the characters are and what their backstory is, and I know how they meet, but beyond that, I'm not sure what happens. Perhaps with that project I'll just see where my imagination takes me.

But, before I can even start the others, I have to finish with Connor and Kate. Thankfully they are being very cooperative in this regard and I'm hoping to closet myself away for a few days over Thanksgiving to get a good chunk of the revisions completed.


Tess said...

Cool that the writing/revisions are going so well :-) Bodes well for your extra long weekend.

I usually have at least two projects on the go. When I get really stuck with the revisions of my current ms, I make notes for the one I'm going to write next (the stories run concurrently). Or, I write poetry or something non-fiction. And sometimes even go back and play around with my time travel ms!

Melissa Amateis said...

Sounds like the muse is treating you well. Woo hoo! Always a good thing.

I try to do the "two books at once" thing, but I'm struggling with it. I've been on my WWII WIP for well over a month now and haven't even looked at my Regency historical.

Kelly Boyce said...

I think I would have to do two completely different types. So I can do an historical and a contemporary, but not two historicals. I think that would trip me up too much.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could work on multiple projects, but my puny little brain can't handle it. Best of luck to you!