Friday, October 28, 2005

The Challenge

I posted a challenge over on the Kick A Goalers blog to kick start my weekend. I want to finish 10,000 words total this weekend - either new or edited - starting today. I had a hard time dragging my butt out of bed this morning because I was all warm and cozy, snuggled under the covers and since I have yet to breakdown and turn on the heat, it was damn chilly in my room. But I managed to do it and I'm glad I did. I got through 2,022 words this morning, which just exceeded my goal of 2,000 words. Whew, things are back on track. Yay! Rejoice! Embarrass myself with a happy dance!

I think this weekend's goal of 4,000 words each day should be doable. The upcoming scene changes very little and it's a major scene in the book, so I hope I can breeze through it easily enough without too much trouble and maybe just a little trimming and editing. I'm going to get my errands done tonight, so with the exception of the chimney guy supposedly showing up on Sunday, I should be able to work uninterrupted.


Kelly Boyce said...

That will be my reward for finishing!

Melissa Amateis said...

You go, girl! You can do it!!!!

Tess said...

Good luck!!! Hope you meet and exceed your goal :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on meeting your challenge! I'm sure you'll do great. :)