Next up is Middlemarch, and after that North & South by Elizabeth Gaskill. Both of these books number among my favorite mini-series.
Now all I have to do is find time between writing, work and guitar lessons and practice to actually find time to sit down and read them. Perhaps I will take a week's vacation and dedicate it to the sole purpose of putting a dent in my pile of TBR books that seems to keep growing by the millisecond.
I've recently added the second book in James McGee's series. How could I pass up a book set in Regency England with a dark hero and a tag line that says: You don't send a gentleman to catch vermin. You send Hawkwood.
That alone just makes me want to grab the book off the shelf, find a quiet corner and start reading. Sadly, however, I have several books in front of it, including the new Crusie/Mayer release that I am only half way through and have 2 days left before the library wants it back...
Oooh! I hadn't heard of the James McGee series. Must go check it out...
That Hawkwood cover is fab-o. And the series sounds good! Let me know how you like it.
You know, I never read the Count of Monte Cristo...
But, really, I could keep reading all the books in the house and never need to buy another book. Ever.
I've so many books I've yet to read!
OOOHHH I want that book. I haven't heard of it before! I agree with Julia, the cover is to die for. Guess where I'm going for lunch today? LOL!
So many books, so little time!
Will have to check our library for the Hawkwood books - I think Sean would like them too.
I haven't read any of those classics. But I'm on the waiting list for the Crusie/Mayer book - so much more my style.
Thanks for the tip on the James McKee book. I love anything Regency era.
The Count of Monte Cristo is great!
And by the way, you're "tagged"
Okay now I have to read that James McGee series - sounds great! I hear ya! I've got so many books on my list - and the list is ever growing.
I have the first James McGee book in that series, 'Ratcatcher' isn't it? Something like that...in my TBR pile. At least I just finished my RITA books. I can get back on with some of my own choices. Not to mention research. Boy I love reading. Good job I've started keep fit classes as I'd never get out of the chair otherwise!
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