No big plans for today, but tomorrow my best bud and I have a hotel room in the centre of downtown and we will be partying the night away and then crashing safely in our hotel room (hangover remedies at the ready). The theme of the night: We're Bringing Sexy Back. In fact, I think I'll just adopt that as my new theme song...
I'm looking forward to the next year. I feel big things are in store and I'm more than ready for them!
Happy Birthday, Kelly!!!
I also have Tango Shoes running through my head
Il Compleanno felice il mio amico!
Happy Birthday Kelly!!!
I KNOW this is your year. Get ready for exciting things to come your way.
Happy Birthday! Lot's of great wishes for you in the upcoming year.
My little date book told me it was someone's birthday. Happy Birthday fellow Capricorn! Have a great time tomorrow.
Happy Birthday! I hope you started celebrating early and had a wonderful day. And have a BLAST tomorrow!
Happy Birthday, Kelly! Enjoy your partay all night long!
Hope you're enjoying your birthday, Kelly.
And in honour of your special day (okay, not really), I just watched 3:10 to Yuma. And you're right -- it's a great movie! Christian Bale and Russell Crowe both deserve an Oscar for their performance.
Have fun tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Kelly!!! I have no doubt that 2008 will hold many great things for you.
*does the birthday snoopy dance*
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hope you had an awesome birthday, Kelly. I hope the year proves to be the best yet.
Happy Belated Birthday, Kelly! Hope you had a fun night. :-)
Happy Belated Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday! Did you have fun????
I am SO SORRY I missed your birthday!!! I hope it was wonderful!!
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