Let me tell you, there is a very deep and wide valley separating the coolness of playing the guitar to playing the ukulele. Despite that, I was the best damn ukulele player that elementary school had ever seen.
Still, year after year, I continued to covet the guitar. Several times I tried to teach myself. I would learn a few chords then hit the wall. What now? What about strumming techniques, picking? And how the heck do I get my short fingers to stretch around the G chord? I had questions none of the books could answer. I needed a real, live, guitar playing individual to help. But when I looked at taking lessons the cost was always more than I could justify at the time.
Last year I added learning to play three chords on the guitar to my goals. It didn't happen. I did however get my brother-in-law to re-string my guitar after my five year old nephew decided he wanted to be a rockstar and broke two of the strings.
Then yesterday a friend at work mentioned she was buying her daughter guitar lessons through the City's rec centre for her birthday. I inquired about the cost. Just $38 for 8 beginner lessons. She mentioned there was an adult class as well and sent me the link to check it out. Now, I don't know what rock I've been living under all these years that I have never been aware of the City's rec centre, but aside from just guitar lesson I picked out about 10 other courses I wanted to take and that was before I even got halfway through the list. Yoga, tai chi, pottery, photography, the list went on. Finally I came to guitar. The lessons started January 14th. I hesitated for a moment, some latent laziness creeping in from behind saying 'do you really want to add one more thing to your plate?'. I gave that laziness a swift back kick, returned it to wherever it came from, and clicked on the button so sign up. I had dubbed this the Year of Change. Change does not come by standing on the sidelines.
So this Monday I will be channeling my inner rockstar and heading off to my first lesson.
In the meantime, I bought myself an early birthday present - 3:10 to Yuma came out on DVD yesterday. I am now the proud owner of my own copy which I expect will be viewed many, many times. Good thing about those guitar lessons, or I may never leave the house again...
"Let me tell you, there is a very deep and wide valley separating the coolness of playing the guitar to playing the ukulele."
Damn right there is. The ukulele is so much cooler.
I tried to play the guitar - for all of five minutes. My dad could play it so I'd occasionally drag his out of the case and fiddle around with it. I think it would be very cool to be able to play it, though, but I don't have the drive to do it at this point.
Our community college has a lot of those types of classes - some of them look like so much fun.
"Change does not come by standing on the sidelines."
It would be so much easier if it did, wouldn't it?
Those rec courses are great aren't they? I would always enroll my kids if they were interested in something before paying the big bucks for private lessons. Usually their interest didn't last too long.
Good for you, Kelly! My husband and son have been learning to play (both acoustic and electric)for the past year and took lessons through the rec centre. There were too many kids in my son's class for him to really benefit, but my husband was the only one in his so it was like having private lessons. There are advantages to learning things later in life!
I watched Yuma last night!! Also I'd love to play guitar. I know you'll enjoy your lessons.
Knew you'd get your '3:10 to Yuma'! Wise investment. Good to hear about the rec lessons for guitar, and your goals for the year sound completely doable. You're going to have a great time in San Francisco - and Italy, too? Wow.
LOL good for you!! Hope you have lots of fun.
Hmmm, maybe I'll look into what our little community has too.
Oh I LOVED that movie!
Awesome! Have a blast!
Very awesome about the lessons! (Hey, my word verification is pluxq - that's like PLUCK, right? As in, guitar string?)
I have 3:10 to Yuma waiting for me next to the TV. Maybe tonight....
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