The first one came the other day as I was thinking about San Francisco and the fact that I had decided not to go based on the monetary issues and whether or not I thought I would get my money's worth. You see, I started to think about how I was measuring 'worth'. I had been wanting to go to San Fran ever since I saw it posted in the upcoming conference sites. And I felt like 2008 was going to be my year. So that, coupled with a few other reasons, made me take a second look at the budget. In doing so, I discovered airfares had gone down by a few hundred. And the room would cost less with three of us sharing the cost. I reconfigured my numbers, took a look at my budget. The money was there. Well most of it. The rest I could put on my credit card and clear off in August since it was a three pay month. Suddenly San Francisco was doable again.
So it looks like the trip is back on. Yay!
The second epiphany came at 3:50 am this morning when I woke up and realized what I needed to do to fix the scene I had been struggling with for two weeks now. It's a pivotal scene, but because I was darkening Devlin up it required major changes. But whatever I was doing wasn't working. I knew it wasn't working. The writing felt flat, the scene wasn't moving and nothing I did seemed to help. But somewhere in the night it hit me, woke me up out of a semi-sound sleep and had me staggering through the night for my notebook. This morning I made much better progress.
So now that San Fran is back on, I feel an even harder push to get this manuscript finished and out the door to Berkley and to agents. My goal is to do everything I can between now and conference time to find an agent and an editor. It'll be a busy six months, but if I'm taking the opportunities provided in San Francisco, I want to make as much of them as possible by doing everything I can beforehand.
And there you have it. My two rather painless epiphanies for the week.
Yay! So glad you get to go to San Francisco now.
And why do ephiphanies come at such odd hours? ;-)
Congrats about San Francisco!
I usually have my best epiphanies at 3 am when I'm too tired to turn on the light and write them down. By the time I wake up again, they're forgotten. Kudos for getting up and writing it down.
Go, Kelly, go!
WooHoo!! With all the progress you've made I think San Fransisco is just the place you need to be.
Sounds like a great plan! Good luck to you! Now you've got me rethinking San Francisco too.
That's wonderful you're able to go to San Fran! I wish I was going!
And yeah, I usually have great creative moments when I'm in the process of falling asleep. Very inconvenient, but I'll take 'em.
I wasn't planning on going this year but we aren't going to Hawaii so I am planning on going. I'm going to try and register this weekend if I think I can. Need to discuss this with hubby further. I know what you mean about worth. I don't know how much I will benefit plus I already have an agent. However, I think the networking will be good and heck, it is San Fran. I'd attend a sewage workers convention if it were in The City.
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