The lights of stars still shine above
In crisp and bitter air
As the dagger plunges in
You wonder if it's fair.
But fair is just an empty term
For something left to lose.
And all is lost in grief for this
It is nothing that I choose.
And if the night ends it here
And we go our separate ways,
Know I pulled the dagger out
Though the scar will always stay.
Wow. That's powerful. Do you write poetry often or only when the mood strikes? I used to write it in high school - usually when I was ridden with angst. ;-)
I don't write it as often as I used to. But every now and then a line jumps into my head and then the rest spews itself out and I just scribbly madly to get it down.
Maybe you should join Rhian's Poetry Train Miss Kelly. That was a wonderful poem. :)
That's an excellent poem!
I love it! See? You're multi-talented!
Great poem! I have no inclination toward poetry.
That's a great poem Kelly. Full of emotion.
Great poem Kelly. I wish I had that talent. :)
Wow - I'm doing the rounds on Poetry Train Monday, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a poem on Kelly's blog...and Julia close to tears! Yay - I'm so glad you posted this. I love, love the final stanza:
'And if the night ends it here
And we go our separate ways,
Know I pulled the dagger out
Though the scar will always stay.'
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