Friday, November 16, 2007

When In Rome

Between revisions on Brimstone in the morning and writing Salvation Falls at lunch, I've been taking my evenings to kick back and relax. I rented the first season of the HBO series, Rome and just finished that last night. It was amazing! I can't wait to see Season 2 because they leave you hanging with some of the plot elements and I'm dying to know what happens. If you haven't seen this series, you should definitely check it out. It's incredibly well done.

As for Brimstone, my revision notes on the hard copy of the manuscript have been completed and mid-week I started typing them in. I have a short time frame to get these revisions done, so I am forced to make the most necessary ones first and send the contest entry off to the GH by November 23rd to meet the deadline. Then I will go back
and do another thorough review before it is sent off to Berkley and agents. I also have to do a synopsis which I'm hoping to tackle this weekend. Despite feeling as if I have been revising Brimstone for the better part of a year (...oh wait, I have been revising for the better part of a year...), I am really happy about these final changes. They are definitely amping up the tension and conflict in the book.

As for NaNo, my goal during the Brimstone revision period is to get in a minimum of 1,000 words a day to stay on track. I'm usually able to do this during my lunch hours at work. The story is feeling a bit disjointed now. I'm writing scenes but leaving out a lot of transition stuff that will have to be worked in later. I'm concentrating on the main plot points that will take me to the end. I don't want to waste a lot of time on transitions right now. That can be worked on when it's time to revise.

And is it just me or have things been insanely busy for everyone of late? I feel like I'm constantly trying to play catch up between being insanely busy at work, insanely busy with writing, trying to get things ready for Christmas, family's like this never ending hamster wheel of stuff that needs to be done and I just want to jump off and go on a long vacation to a log cabin in the woods with a pile of books and some good tunes. And of course some hot guy with a high IQ to entertain me over dinner would not be such a bad thing. Especially if he's also cooking dinner.


Anonymous said...

No wonder you're feeling busy, Kelly. You are!! :-)

But it sounds like all the hard work is paying off and D&B is where you want it to be. Keeping my fingers crossed that it garners you a sale!

Unknown said...

I really hope the GH judges LOVE your story. Imagine getting the GH call at the same time you get the call from Berkley with a contract?

(I'm practicing the "Secret" on your behalf)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Yes, Annie Mac! Do that!
Kelly! Kelly! She's our gal!
(shaking pom poms)
Go-o-o-o Kelly!
(jumping jack)

Dixie Belle said...

I will rent the Rome series. It sounds good. I watched Amazing Grace tonight. It is a pretty good movie, not as good as I had thought it would be.

I know what you mean about being busy. I can't seem to get caught up.

Lexi said...

Ah yes, but the more important question is what is the hot guy cooking for you wearing?

Julia Phillips Smith said...

By the way, I forgot to mention that I LOVE 'Rome'.