Meanwhile, back at the ranch, quite literally in fact, Salvation Falls and NaNo are motoring along. Poor Caleb has realized he's in it up to his armpits, and as you can tell from the picture, he still isn't quite sure how that happened.
I'm up to 16,048 words as of this morning and hoping to get a little more done today at lunch and maybe in the evening. Somewhere in there I also have to start writing my synopsis (gag!) for Brimstone to send with the GH submission. I've handed off my manuscript to my critique partners in all it's imperfect glory so that's done.
I'm hoping by the end of this week to get up to 30,000 words for NaNo. That will give me a nice chunk done before I have to switch over and give Brimstone the majority of my attention. I just hope I can get that cleaned up in time to courier out on the 23rd. I'm feeling the time crunch but trying not to stress on it. I'll get it done. Somehow.
Meanwhile, if anyone is looking for a great read, check out Julianne MacLean's new book that was just released last week. In My Wildest Fantasies is the first book in her new Pembroke Palace series and she has definitely outdone herself with this one. You'll love these characters and, as always, the romance is top notch. I'm finding it hard to put down to get my own writing done! It's a definite must read.
16k is just amazing, Kelly. Way to go! Glad you survived the storm. :)
You're doing awesome! You'll get it done :)
Glad the storm didn't do any major damage. Salvation Falls sounds like a terrific story! I love the photo.
WTG on that word count!!!
Glad you kept power. That's all we heard yesterday was how many people in NS were in the dark.
You can do it Kelly!
Glad the power outage passed you by.
I laughed when I saw the picture of Christian - I think you have a shot of him showing every emotion! And I'm hoping that you'll be posting all of those, by the way...
Massive applause on your word count. Kelly rocks!
My mom devoured 'In Her Wildest Fantasies' in one day and only wanted more.
Kelly, you rock! I'm trying to keep up with you, but you're just out of reach.
Maybe tonight...
C'mon Crusher! You can catch up!
Congrats on the word count.
I'm glad you made it through the storm okay.
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