Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ladies & Gents, Start Your Engines...

NaNoWriMo 2007 – Day One: Got off to a rockin’ start this morning. With cup of java in my hand, and fear in my gut, I bellied up to the computer desk and opened the blank screen.

“Where we going today, Caleb?” I asked, my fingers poised anxiously over the keys.

“Believe we’ll ride this buckboard into town and drop off this dead guy, ma’am,” he answered in that slow, quiet drawl that made me remember why I picked him as my hero.

He tipped his hat and gave a short nod and we were off.

Word count today so far – 2,322 words.

“Thanks Caleb.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

“Quit calling me, ma’am.”

I think I see what might be a hint of a smile creasing the corners of his hazel eyes. “Yes, ma’am.”


More NaNo Insanity going on over at Creative Insanity as the RWAC crew gets down to business.


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo on the fabulous word count!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm liking this Caleb fellow!

Good job, Kelly! :-)

Unknown said...

I love your hero - doesn't hurt that he looks like Christian Bale.

Congratulations on a great first morning. Day 1 of NaNo and it's a blast so far.

Amy Ruttan said...

Good job on the word count. I haven't even started yet, I've been stuck at my Evil Day Job. :P

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm with Amy - I'm waiting for the evening to start up. Birthday stuff over here, and all ;)

Love Caleb. Can't wait to see what he gets up to!

Melissa Amateis said...

HOLY COW! What an amazing word count!!!