So here's the lowdown on what all has been going on:
First off, the edits on Brimstone: I managed to get as much done as possible and get it in shape for the Golden Heart. There are still other changes that I want to make before sending it off to Berkley, but I had to pare down what I wanted to do in order to meet the GH deadline. December I'll spend editing the rest so I can send it off to Berkley in January.
Salvation Falls / NaNoWriMo: I had to write 3,000 words last week to stay on track. I managed to do this all in one sitting at our Wednesday write in at Starbucks. Whew! We have another one scheduled for this coming Wednesday. I have just under 5,000 words left to go and with Brimstone off to the GH, I can spend next week devoted to NaNo before I jump back into Brimstone revisions.
The Annual RWAC Potluck: We had our annual potluck today and I am soooo stuffed. Lots of great food. Our chapter year-end potluck is always a great time. We do a Yankee gift grab with books which is lots of fun, and we had some presentations to make and book draws for chapter members' new releases and did some 2008 goal-setting. It was my last meeting as El Presidente and while I'm glad it's over after four years on the executive, I have to admit, it's going to be a little weird going to a meeting as a regular member. I've been on the executive since a few months after I joined the chapter (they sucked me in early before I knew what was what!).
Work-outs and Weight Loss: I sort of fell off the wagon here in the past month. Things were so busy and I had a hard time moving my work-outs from walks outside to treadmill inside. Finally I broke down yesterday and picked up a new workout DVD that had two 30 minute workouts on it. It's Shape's Bikini Body Boot Camp. I watched it last night to see what I was in store for and the work-outs may only be 30 minutes, but they look really killer. If nothing else, it might make me like the treadmill a whole lot more. Either way, I need to buckle down. The office Christmas party is this coming Friday and I have to make sure I still fit into that little black dress.
And - my Rescue Dawn DVD showed up in my mailbox on Friday. Woo hooo!!! I watched the extra features on Friday and tonight I'm going to hunker down and watch the movie itself.
By the way, I'll be blogging over at Miss Make A Movie on Wednesday, so swing by and check it out. No idea what I'll be talking about. I'm hoping an idea strikes me sometime between now and then...
Bikini Body Boot Camp, huh? LOL Just the sound of it scares me.
And yes, I don't blame you for needing/wanting a vacation. It's been a busy month for you. Hopefully you can get some R&R in over the holidays. :-)
3K in one sitting? WOW. Awesome job!
Wow! You're doing great, Kelly!!! :)
Can't wait for your 'Miss Make a Movie' post, Kelly! You'll be awesome. Hey, you could talk about 'Rescue Dawn' - it's a movie, you like Christian Bale, etc. etc. He really gets into his roles, etc. etc.
I need that boot camp too Kelly. Weighed myself this morning and some of that weight I lost in the summer is creeping back on.
WhooHoo on the word count! You go girl!
Bikini Body Boot Camp scares me too.
Go Kelly! Sounds like you're making great writing progress. As for the diet/exercise, don't beat yourself up about it. This is a tough time of year. You'll get back to it!
You are a crazy machine! You'll cream that NaNo deadline and have words to spare I'm sure. That and the fact you got Brimstone out is awesome!
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