Day 8: Storm Warning
There's something about a good rain and thunder storm that just does strange things to a body. As Abby and Caleb have discovered much to their surprise. I wonder what it is. Maybe it's the way the rain surrounding the cabin makes you feel like you're cocooned in your own little world and nothing else exists beyond that. Well, whatever it is, it's working its magic on these two kids and who knows what will happen next...
I've managed to surpass the 25,000 word mark today thanks to the rainfall and ensuing
shenanigans. This should give me a nice buffer for when I flip over to start editing Brimstone next week. Although I'll still be checking in on Abby and Caleb a little each day to keep the story in my mind. Something tells me I shouldn't leave these two alone for any extended length of time. No telling what they'll get themselves into without the proper supervision.
LOL Oh, I think we can guess what's going to happen if those two are left alone!
Anyway, you're doing fabulous! I wonder if there is a NaNo record? If so, I'm betting you're right up there at the top for this point in the game.
LOL! NaNo record - yes! You get it, for sure!!
Awesome word count, Kelly! Keep up the good work! And the characters sound very interesting.
Wow! You are doing great! Keep it up!
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