For about ten years now I’ve wanted to get my eyeballs lasered. I have fairly bad eyesight, always have, but since I was twelve I’ve been wearing contacts. Which was great -- up until about 10 years ago when my eyeballs decided they didn’t care to be encased in contacts for 18 hours a day. And don’t even get me started on air conditioning. Nothing sucks the moisture out of your eyeballs faster, and naturally I work in an air-conditioned office. Which means I have to wear my blechy glasses all day.
To add insult to injury, any time I want to go out or I’m going to be playing sports, etc. I have to negotiate the timeline. I’ll have to wear my glasses for this amount of time before I can switch to my contacts for the evening. Or if I play ball in the morning I can’t wear my contacts in the afternoon. It’s a pain in the butt. And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad except for the glaring fact that I hate wearing glasses. I mean hate it with the burning intensity of a thousand suns kind of hate it. Every time I look in the mirror and see myself with glasses on my first reaction is, ‘Wait, that’s not my face!’
So after paying off my debt and refinancing the mortgage last February I decided now is the time – before I have to spend over $600 to purchase new glasses. Or, horror, get bifocals. Ah yes, a glasses free existence would soon be mine.
But then came Coop’s vet bills and the cost of having to let her go. And then I decided to do the floors, which I had been putting off since I moved into the house five years ago. But my goal remained – get the eyes done before I went to Nationals in San Francisco. For added incentive, my boss just had his eyes lasered. The prices are just right. Cost of getting eyes lasered start at $490 per eye. Of course that’s the starting price and I’m estimating a total cost of anywhere from $1,500 to $2,000 by the end of it. But given what I spend on contacts, supplies, glasses and appointments/fittings every year, I’m saving in the long run.
Except for one thing. The dog. I had planned on getting a new dog in early 2008. That means by the time you tally up the cost of the dog, vet bills, neutering/spaying, crate, miscellaneous supplies...eeehhhh...
So now I have to decide – eyeballs or canine. I can do both. It’s just the timing that’s the issue. If I get my eyes done before the dog, then the dog may have to wait for another year. If I get the dog first...well it’ll be the floors all over again. It will get put off as other expenses come up and the next thing you know I’ll be sporting a hideous pair of bifocals and a scowl of epic proportions.
I don’t have to make any definite decisions right now, but given how I like to plan ahead, I usually start reviewing my options well in advance of making a decision.
And right now it looks like the canine situation may get put off until late 2008. Sigh...
On the plus side – I’m going to see 3:10 to Yuma again tonight with the girls. More than likely I’ll be wearing my glasses.
That's a tough decision Kelly. I wear contacts but don't have the problems that you do with them. In the long run, the laser will save you money so maybe that should be first.
You just never know, once you have a dog what other expenses will come with it. Kind of like kids - they always need something. But since I'm not a dog person, I don't get the whole pet thing.
Of course, you could wait until you get your first advance...
Hey Kelly!
That is a tough decision, however, after just getting my eyes done this past spring, I would definitely recommend it. I HATED wearing my glasses and with my job, it was a safety hazard, as I've had them knocked off my face, etc. (And fighting with someone when you can't see is scary!) I could do the contacts, but wearing them for 14+ hours a day was uncomfortable. SO - I did it - it wasn't that bad - and the procedure is quick. I'm glad that I did it, now that it's done and overwith! (And you can claim it on your income taxes!) I think I would look at doing that first - because it would make your life so much more comfortable and you will never have to deal with your dreaded glasses (and contacts!) again!
Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Imagine being able to actually see first thing in the morning - before sitting up and reaching for those hideous spectacles-contraptions. That alone would be like heaven.
I didn't know I could claim it on my income tax! Thanks Lisa - well that just seals the deal!!
Ok, I am REALLY scared about getting this procedure done. What if they screw up? This is my EYESIGHT we're talking about, not a pinky finger! I just don't think I'm ready to take the leap. I'm wearing my glasses constantly right now because I can't afford the special kind of contacts I need since my eyes are allergic to them (if I get daily wear, I think I'll be ok).
Hope you can do both - the dog and the eyes!
Hmm...I'd get my eyes done first. Of course, as I'm typing this my contacts are bothering me, so that might be influencing my opinion. I do like wearing glasses, I love the look. Makes me look smart. :)
Hmm. A toughy for sure. I think I'd go for eyes, although I've never even thought of getting mine done... And you can wait for the pup.
Maybe... :)
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