Ah, there is nothing like the smell of wet dog permeating the writing room to get my creative juices flowing. Okay, maybe it isn't so much that it gets my creative juices flowing as it is that I want to finish this scene so I can escape the stench.
Either way, I am making steady progress on ITS and quite happy about what is landing on the page. Even more than that, I am excited about getting back to Fractured Sight when I'm finished my revisions on ITS. I've figured out part of the problem I was having with the story, and I'm anxious to dive back in and muck around to bring the rest of it to light. And I'm already playing around with ideas for the trailer. For some reason doing the trailer has really helped me solidify things about the stories that I hadn't realized initially. It seems to make the stories more concrete for me, so I
will continue doing them.
But first I have to finish my revisions on ITS. On the weekend I bought, The Weekend Novelist Rewrites the Novel by Robert J. Ray. So far it is really making me think about how I structure my book and giving me a fair bit of insight into ways to make it better.
Yesterday I took off from actual writing and developed a plan for the second half of 2010. It's rather ambitious (I seem unable to come up with plans that aren't...) but if I put the nose to the grindstone I think I can pull it off. And if not, it certainly won't be for lack of trying.
Meanwhile, my stinky dog has decided to prance around the room with his toy box held tightly in the jaws of death. If you'll excuse me, I must go inform him that the actual purpose of the box is to hold the toys, not be one.
Either way, I am making steady progress on ITS and quite happy about what is landing on the page. Even more than that, I am excited about getting back to Fractured Sight when I'm finished my revisions on ITS. I've figured out part of the problem I was having with the story, and I'm anxious to dive back in and muck around to bring the rest of it to light. And I'm already playing around with ideas for the trailer. For some reason doing the trailer has really helped me solidify things about the stories that I hadn't realized initially. It seems to make the stories more concrete for me, so I

But first I have to finish my revisions on ITS. On the weekend I bought, The Weekend Novelist Rewrites the Novel by Robert J. Ray. So far it is really making me think about how I structure my book and giving me a fair bit of insight into ways to make it better.
Yesterday I took off from actual writing and developed a plan for the second half of 2010. It's rather ambitious (I seem unable to come up with plans that aren't...) but if I put the nose to the grindstone I think I can pull it off. And if not, it certainly won't be for lack of trying.
Meanwhile, my stinky dog has decided to prance around the room with his toy box held tightly in the jaws of death. If you'll excuse me, I must go inform him that the actual purpose of the box is to hold the toys, not be one.
LOL at stench - my doggie was sick earlier this week and her crate is in my office....*shudders*
About trailers - I get it. I'm a visual person so seeing it put together helps. And then when you do the captions, it really kind of focuses the direction of your book, don't you think? Either way - sounds good, kiddo.
Isn't it great when you're excited again? I am sure you of all people can pull it off Kelly. I read a quote somewhere that said a plan is a whole lotta stuff to do and not quite enough time to do it. I'm going to have to check out that book too...
Glad to hear the juices are flowing, Kelly, whatever the reason!
I'll have to order that book by Robert J. Ray. His Weekend Novelist was the very first writing craft book I ever bought and I still use and recommend it.
Glad the rewrite of ITS is going well and YEAH! on figuring out the roadblock to Fractured Sight.
I'm so excited that everything is working - and that you've figured out how to approach FS!! Your trailers are fantastic: they condense the story to the high points, and capture the mood/tone of the story.
That's great, Kelly. Full steam ahead. Best of luck with FS. It's going to be another wet dog day but that's supposed to give good writing karma!
Sounds like everything is going great! And give your doggie a kiss for me when he is dry and fresher smelling :)
Glad to hear your writing is going well :) Must have a look at that book you mention...not that I really have time for writing these days, but still...
LOL re the pup and his toy box *g*
LOL - I wonder what he likes about the box?
I think you should stick to the ambitious plans and let the chips fall where they may. Hmm...maybe that's what Cedar wants the box for...
Awww, sweet puppy. :) And yay on the writing progress!
I think having a pet around makes me more productive. I don't know what it is. They're so comforting.
Your enthusiasm shines through the printed word, Kelly! And you know how much I love a schedule and a plan. It sounds like you are well on your way to success!
BTW - Taz chewed a hole in her 'toy box' when she was young. She'd flip it over with her foot and then try to right it with her teeth - pushing it around the house until she could get a good grip. I think it's like kids who prefer the cardboard box and wrapping paper to the actual gift.
Love the pic - what a sweetie pie :)
Stinky dog - oh, yeah. Chance is an expert at that. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when the writing is flowing? Go with it! And your trailers are fantastic!
Cedar is adorable. Now I'd best go take my two for their evening constitutional.
Interesting thoughts on the trailers, Kelly. I hadn't thought of it (having never made one) but I can see where the visualization would really help.
My dog - though not smelly at the moment - is asleep under my chair. Why is it that the more the thermometer rises, the closer he likes to be?
Oooh, nothing like that wet dog parfume. I love the idea of your trailer to get the story straight. I'd try that, but I'd have so much fun working on the trailer, the book would never get done.
Good luck with your revisions. Hope the rest of your year goes as planned!
Kelly, Follow your instincts and don't give up on a project! My dear ol' Western went through a ton of revisions and today I got a call from Angela James, ex editor at Carina Press and they are going to publish it. Never give up on a story because someday you may luck up and find an editor who loves it.
Patricia - that's AWESOME news!!
Great to know that you're doing so well in your writing Kelly! Can't wait to find out what publisher is lucky enough to have you! Cheers!
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