Now, I’ve been using Windows since it came out and I had never realized it came with MovieMaker. Which may be a good thing since now that I know how to use it (thanks Jennie!), I am completely addicted.
I no sooner arrived home from our workshops than I ran downstairs to the writing room and turned on the computer. My reasoning was that I needed to try this out for myself so I didn’t forget everything Jennie showed us. Of course, she gave us a hand-out explaining everything, but I reasoned I needed to actually ‘do it’ to remember.
I decided on doing a trailer for Book 2 in the Invitation to Scandal series. Now, if I were doing this to use as a publicity / selling tool, I would have to be more careful about using pictures and music that didn’t infringe on anyone’s copyrights, but since I was just making it for personal use, I didn’t worry too much about it. I just wanted a visual inspiration of the book itself. Something I could look at to evoke the theme and mood of the book.
I spent a few hours that night and a few more hours the next day playing around, finding the right wording to tell the story, the most mood-evoking pictures, and of course, the perfect song choice to accompany it as the trailer played.
It was a blast and I loved the end result. What surprised me the most was how the exercise allowed me to really nail down what the story was about. So, of course, now I have to do one for ITS. And then Brimstone. Salvation Falls. I can YouTube pixs or video of the pooch too. And these things can also make great digital photo albums for family and friends…
The possibilities are endless. It’s as addictive as scrapbooking, only with less glue.
This is weird... either you're blogging from the future (which would be really cool!) Or somehow blogger.com is using the wrong date, because your post says Thurs, June 10 at the top. How weird is that?
With everyone extolling the wonder of Saturday, I really wish I could have been there. The whole day sounds like it was both inspirational and motivational!
As for the trailer - I would worry that my addictive personality would discover making a trailer is just as much fun (and more time consuming) than Spider Solitaire. I'm resisting, strenuously!
Sounds like your trailer making career is about to take off, Kelly :)
I blogged from the future. :)
I'm afraid to start playing around with making a trailer, because I'm certain it would be way too much fun, and I would get sucked in for days and days...
I am holding off tooth and nail - I am already wasting editing time just looking at author websites and thinking about my blog. The trailers will push me right over the edge. Yours rocked though!
Trailers are addctive, aren't they! Kelly, yours turned out great. I didn't set out to provide yet another distraction - honest! - but if it's any comfort, I get sucked in, too.
Kelly - your trailer is sooo good! After seeing it, I'm convinced it's a great way to get the creative juices flowing and figure out your high concept. Can't wait to see ITS's trailer!
I haven't tried this yet. Wish I could have made the RWAC all day event this year. I really want to learn how to make a trailer but the biggest problem has been finding the free pics and music that are good. That has taken too much time already!
Anyone have links to places where it might be easier?
I did several posts where I chose five songs to mirror my characters' story arc, and I was astonished to discover that doing so helped me nail down things that were missing in their character development.
So I'll take heart from your experience with making your trailer, and allow myself to open the Movie Maker program...
Sounds like it was such a great day! I wish I had been able to make it. Prior commitments sometime suck! Next year for sure. Right now my priority is to just keep on writing!
As far as the trailer, I would be like you...I would have to try it right away to sear it into my mind.
Those trailers were so fun! Good job, Kelly. I'm also looking forward to seeing more of that "big thing" Donna Alward had.
Who knew something so cool was so easy to make? I liked yours, Kelly. Can't wait to make one for my WIP.
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