Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Still Slogging Away

I am so sick of revisions. Let it be done already!! Have I complained about this enough? I seriously need to find a way to cut down on the amount of revisions I do. I need a new system. Because I swear if I have to do the extensive rewrites in Saving Grace that I did in Brimstone, I may never write another book again. This has just been freakin' painful. It's a good thing I love this story or I would have taken a flame-thrower to it a long time ago. Geez...

Anyway, in happier news - I found out yesterday that my tax return will actually be enough to fund my trip to San Francisco. I celebrated by going out and buying a pair of shoes. I'm quite relieved at that. I was beginning to stress a bit on the cash flow.

In less than happy news, the whole weight loss thing has hit a brick wall. A few pounds have crept back on much to my ever lasting cursing. In fact, I've cursed so much while stamping my feet you'd think I could have burned the pounds back off, but no. I know what the problem is. It isn't the workouts. Now that it's light out in the evenings I've been running or walking nearly every day, even the rainy ones. It's the eating. The stuffing of waaaaaaaaay too much bread and cookies and chocolate and all the crap I shouldn't be eating in my mouth. Noshing away like there's no tomorrow. Eating out, drinking wine, etc. So for the rest of this week I am becoming the Fruit & Veggie Queen. I've allotted myself one bread product a day (I'm going hardcore but I'm not completely insane) and the rest must be filled with fruits and vegetables. And of course the occasional milk product and protein. I'm going back to the Weight Watchers point system which I fell off of because...well, because gluttony is my friend and apparently in my genetic composition (thanks Dad).

I bought a couple of sexy summer dresses and I've left the tags on. I am not allowed to wear them until I get back to where I was weight wise before all hell broke loose, I lost my mind and began eating everything that wasn't nailed down.

And that's where things are today. Sorry I've been out of touch lately. Things are still pretty busy at this end and I've been concentrating more on trying to finish revisions and haven't had as much time to visit my blog buddies. But I'll get there, I promise.


Melissa Amateis said...

I think I was making progress on the whole weight loss thing until I got sick and then WAM. I did NOT care what I put in my mouth for a few days - I even ate a whole bag of M&M's! Sigh...

That is great news on the tax refund! Woo hoo!

Tess said...

Yeah - revisions can be HELL! Hope you make it through to the end soon :)

Re: weight. I seem to recall gaining about 10 lbs when Sean and I were first together. Have you tried Ryvita? A good whole grain option - fantastic with peanut butter or cheese (for protein), but way low on calories/fat (100 calories in 2).

Way cool re the tax refund!!!! New shoes - mmmmmmmmm.

Dixie Belle said...

Revisions seem to be never ending. I think you just have to finally let go, which is very hard for me.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Yay on the tax refund-San Fransisco thing! And please don't take a flamethrower to 'Brimstone'...though it did make me laugh.

Unknown said...

When you find a way to make those revisions quicker, will you let me know the secret? I hate them too.

Lexi said...

Aww, hang in there on the revisions! You're almost there.

I'm with you on the "food plan" issue. I'd been on Weight Watchers and was doing really well. Then I couldn't break past a certain weight, got discouraged and started eating. This last week I started the point system again (because I KNOW it works for me) and I started back to the gym. We'll get there on this too!

Amy Ruttan said...

I understand the weight gain loss issue. I just recently went through a gluttony phase myself. Hugs to you.

I'm waiting for my points tracker to come in the mail from the States. Muwhahaha, since they don't sell them up here in Canada.

I did WW online for awhile so I know my point ranges and stuff. :D

I'm ready to get back on the bandwagon.