Giving in to Temptation
Well this won't help the waistline just went around passing out the annual Lindt chocolate Easter Bunny. Then there was a broken one, so they gave me that one too. Both heads have already been devoured.
I cannot control myself around the Lindt chocolate. I cannot. It's like throwing a naked Christian Bale in front of me and telling me not to look.
My sugar consumption has been severely limited. I only eat dark chocolate - and even then just maybe a square a day. Dark chocolate is actually good for you. But why, oh why does milk chocolate taste so darn good, especially in Easter candy???
We just had a pizza party at the office and Erin brought in enough chocolate for a company of 20. I'm doing my fair share and more....uggg I feel sick!!! I just can't stop!!!
Me either. WE had birthday cake on top of everything else. I feel like I'm going to barf. Definitely NOT the response I'd have if someone threw a nekkid CB in front of me. Maybe next time I should hold out for that...
I love dark chocolate. I bought Easter candy for the kids at Target yesterday and have enough to supply the entire town. I love kisses with almonds.
That is me and jelly beans. Must. Eat. More.....:)
Enjoy the headless bunnies!
ROTFL - now THAT presents quite a picture (a naked Christian Bale thrown in front of Kelly). Nice to get choccie at work, though - and Lindt choccie at that. I've already eaten one dark Lindt bunny :-)
I did not bring in enough chocolate for 20 people. We had around that many in the last place I worked, and I brought in far more chocolate there.
And here I thought I was showing chocolate purchasing restraint... ;)
Totally off topic, but I bought "Slammerkin" off from Amazon. I saw you read it. I think it sound fascinating.
Rene, I loved it. And I didn't realize until I was about 2/3 of the way thru it that it was based on a true story, which made it even more fascinating to me. I have Life Mask by the same author but I haven't started it yet.
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