I did another nine pages this morning, which obviously is a good thing. But I am sooooo going to end up going over my intended 100,000 words. I'm already at 78,750 words / 315 pages. Which leaves me a paltry 85 pages to wrap things up and these poor souls haven't even made their way to the bedroom yet! Why, why, why can't I ever write a book that doesn't overshoot the required page count? Or better yet, why can't publishers print thicker books? Why must my muse be constrained to 400 pages, dammit?!
Hmm...maybe I can convince the publisher to use smaller print to jam it all into their under 400 pages? Think they'd go for that?
Weeell, it worked for Diana Gabaldon with Outlander, soooooo...
Each book could be packaged with a complimentary magnifying glass. That would solve everyone's problem.
I say just write it until it's finished, then go back and see what you can cut.
I'd say just write the end and trim later. It'll be easier to see what needs to go at that point.
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