I go through the whole triage thing where the nurse takes my blood pressure and it reads 120/84. Holy crap, I say, that's high! No, no, she says. It's fine. Noooo, I tell her, it's not, my blood pressure is usually 115/70. She tells me she is unconcerned about it so I let it go. While I'm waiting in chairs to get a bed and to see a doc, this husband comes in quite hysterical and says they have to help him, it's his wife. A couple of paramedics and nurses rush outside to help this woman, who is unconscious into the ER. I can't tell what is going on, but she seems halfway awake at this point and it adds a little excitement to sitting there doing nothing. I know, I shouldn't use other people's distress as entertainment but dammit it'd been two hours since I arrived and I needed something!
Anyway, I finally get in and the nurse gives me an EKG which meant sticking a bunch of blue things all around my boob and my stomach and two on my legs. They took a reading and then another nurse comes in and tries to draw blood out of my right arm. She gets a vein but no blood. "I can't get any blood, " she tells me. "Oh," I respond, "I should have mentioned, I keep all my blood in the other arm."
So, after the bloodletting, they go off and I am left alone, only to realize Unconscious Woman is in the bed next to me, our lives separated by a thin curtain. She is awake and yelling for her pain meds between crying jags while her husband tries to calm her down. I decide to eavesdrop to get the full scoop. Between questions by the doctor, more waiting, a chest x-ray, more waiting and a final consult with the doctor, I discover the woman had a baby a few weeks ago. The pain meds were for the episiotomy. She missed her dose when she passed out and now felt as if she were being ripped in two all over again. They gave her a percocet in the end. Me on the other hand, with my chest pain and numb arm got zip. Perhaps I should have screamed and wailed as well. The woman had passed out from stress and sleep deprivation. I, on the other hand, was left with no diagnosis.
"Is there any other symptoms you can think of to tell me," the doc asks. "Well," I said, "I have the song Fly Me to the Moon stuck in my head. Can you give me something for that?" He shook his head and left the curtained area with a chuckle. Apparently he thought I was joking.
In the end, everything looked great, the cute doc said. Bloodwork, xray, EKG, all great. Probably a pinched nerve was his guess. So by 2:30 am I was on my way home from my adventure in the ER with a clean bill of health.
But that wasn't the end of my strange misfortune. The following night I was helping Maxx assemble her daughter's new bed. But when I went to pick the plastic wrapped mattress up off the wood floor, I got a series of static shocks. About fifteen I think. I could feel the electric current shooting up my middle finger and let out a yelp. And a few curses as well I believe. By the time we finished the bed, I told her my finger felt kind of strange and I couldn't bend it. By the time I got home, it was swollen and I couldn't straighten or bend it. It's starting to mend. I can straighten it now, but bending still proves a bit of a problem. Who knew electrocution could do that? You learn something new every day...
Thankfully Sunday came and went without incident. I still however have the song Fly Me to the Moon lodged in my cranium. It may require surgery to remove.
Oh my, Kelly!!! That's scary. Is it possible it was a panic attack? Those can have similar symptoms to what you describe. And can come out of the blue.
Wow - that's quite the shock you got. Hope your finger is all better soon.
LOL re surgery for the song. Of course, NOW I'm going to need it as well :-/
Definitely not a panic attack. Never been prone to panic. but I was hunched over my computer all day, so the pinched nerve made sense.
That sounds horrible. I hope it doesn't come back. Do you think you should head to your to mown dr for some follow up tests? I had chest and abnominal pain, as well as numbness for 4 or 5 days before the rash popped out and I realized I had shingles. So, if you get red, painful blisters. . .
I seem to be fine now, well except for the swollen finger which is making it very difficult to type. But I'll watch for any hinky red splotches. No sense heading to my own doc since the ER ran about every test under the sun though. I'm sure it was just a pinched nerve.
Ah, that does make sense then!!
Scary day! Glad you're okay, though.
Oh Kelly! I'm glad everything is okay!
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