Friday, January 06, 2006

I Must Have Been Completely Mad

I reluctantly volunteered to be President of my RWA chapter this year. Not that I didn't want to do it, but after two years as VP, I was seriously considering taking a year off from the executive committee as I wasn't sure I would have the time to commit to it this year. But somehow that isn't what happened. I'm not sure really what did happen. One minute I was saying how I didn't think I was going to run, and the next...

I think I experienced a temporary black-out brought on by a complete break with sanity.

Our first meeting is looming just a few days away and I have come to the stark realization that I haven't one sweet clue what to do. Not one. It cannot be a good sign to feel like a complete failure before you even start a project. Well okay, not a complete failure. More like I'm wading into deep uncharted waters without a paddle. Or a boat. And I've forgotten my wetsuit. And let's not even start on where I've left my snorkel. Suffice to say, I feel a panic attack coming on. At least I think that's what it is. I've never actually had one before. Are they often precipitated by frothing at the mouth, unexplained twitching of the eyelids and a desperate need to dig a hole and bury yourself in it until the feeling passes?

I had planned on preparing myself for the meeting over the holidays but December was a complete write off for me between having a houseguest, the holidays, the day job and all the other little things that crop up. And I think that is my main problem. I am not prepared. It's a Capricorn's worst nightmare. I don't even have a list. I know I should make one, but I don't even know what to make it on!

And now I am supposed to meet with my executive committee tonight to discuss our plan for the year and I can't even remember what my mission statement was to begin with. Ahhhhhh!!!!

Is it too late to resign? Perhaps I could claim madness? Didn't that work for King George? My VP could take over as my Regent. Surely I'm too mentally incompetent to lead anything at the moment. Oh lord, I think I'm hyperventilating. Where's my paper bag...


Anonymous said...

Shake it off damn it! Are you going to let a little thing like running a world class RWA chapter get you down? Get a hold of yourself. You're not the quitting kind, and you're not the roll over and die kind either. You're doing fine, you'll keep doing fine and we'll have one heck of a year. Please don't ask me to slap you out of hysterics. I enjoy slapping way too much and might throw me off the wagon, and I don't know if they'll even take me back into the the face slapping support group after what happened last time.

Kelly Boyce said...

What are you talking about! It's madness! Madness I say! The inmates are running the asylum!! Who allowed this?! AHHHHHH!!!!! ~ flails about, slams into wall, drops to floor unconscious ~

Tess said...

Take DEEP breaths. You'll do fine! Trust me! Granted, I've never taken on chapter presidency myself (though was urged to do so a couple of times), but several of my friends have and they all survived.

Things tend to run themselves - and there's loads of info in the Members Only section of the RWA website - stuff specifcially for Chapter Presidents!

If you can get a GH entry in on time (while battling the idiots at Staples), I'm pretty certain you can run your Chapter :-)

Melissa Amateis said...

I'm chapter president, too, and I wonder why I volunteered. But it will be the last time (I hope) because it really takes a lot of time and energy.

You'll be just FINE, Kelly. In fact, I'm sure you'll enjoy your role, and you can be proud of yourself for volunteering to take on such an important position!

Unknown said...

Madness actually helps in running our chapter.

MJFredrick said...

Oh, NO!!! I almost got suckered - I mean talked into that as well. I can relate to your stress, but I'm sure you'll do great!