Monday, August 01, 2005

Copy Cat

Thanks to Michelle Willingham (see her blog link to the left) for the great idea of the word track meter! I thought I would use it for D&B to keep me motivated. I'm starting back from zero because I have to rework a fair bit to fit into the new idea of my heroines being spinsters instead of widows and I also need to streamline the plot - I had way too much in it to fit within the 100,000 word parameters. Go figure. Me and my overkill on the word count. But not this time! I swear this time I shall stay within the required count and not go over!!


Anonymous said...

It's kind of fun, isn't it? I got the idea from Stephanie Tyler.

Kelly Boyce said...

I like it - makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. And then it gets so you want to see the color move up so you keep at it.