Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Okay, okay, I know 'tis the season and all that, but I really don't like the snow. If I could have a lovely green Christmas with a crisp hint of autumn in the air and leave it at that, I'd be quite happy. If I could stand inside my nice warm house and look at it through the window at the snow laden trees even, I would probably be more prone to kicking up my heels and singing songs of joy and glad tidings. But I can't. I have to venture out into the crap that got dumped in our fair city Friday night and shovel heavy snow out of my long sloping driveway. Thankfully Maxx was still there since the storm prevented her from going home for the weekend, so I had a little help, although she cursed me for the rest of the day for feeling it was necessary to start the shoveling at 7:30 AM.

Still, despite my dislike of the white fluffy stuff (that inevitably turns into ugly sodden dirt encrusted slop once the weather turns a tad more mild and it starts to melt), even I had to admit the view was quite spectacular. When I first went out into my driveway I looked to my backyard where trees separate my house from my neighbors. Fresh snow clung to everything and the sun painted pale pink and gold light across the sky reflecting off the white. I wish I could have taken a picture, but mostly I just stood there in awe and looked at the beauty presented, knowing full well once I started hefting piles of snow with my shovel the beauty would be all but forgotten and the cursing would begin.

Yes, winter is lovely to look at in some respects, but it always reminds me of the adage - "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there."

In other news: The Outlaw Bride goes out to HQN in the mail today. Woo hoo! Finally! Done!! Now the inevitable waiting begins. I also finished three knitting projects for Christmas watched The Affair of the Necklace for the second time before I returned the movie to the library. Awesome movie by the way if anyone is interested. Definitely a purchase once I have some extra funds floating around. It's made me want to research the build up to the French Revolution and build a story around it. The history of the era is absolutely facsinating. I definitely recommend the movie to anyone who loves period films.


Tess said...

Ah - now I understand your comment about snow on my blog *g*. Can't say as I blame you. I've had to clean the car twice since I got home, not daring to put it in the garage lest I hit the motorcycle!

Good luck with the submission!!!! Fingers crossed :-)

And thanks for the tip on the movie. I'm going to add it to my Christmas list. The more people who write FR stories, the better chance we have of getting pubs interested in publishing stories set in the period!

Melissa Amateis said...

I love snow at Christmas! Actually, from November through January 3 I love it. But by the middle of January, I'm tired of it. :-)

Great job on getting the manuscript ready to go!!!

And I am definitely going to check out that movie...