Friday, October 07, 2005

The Revision Fest: Day One

I did four hours of writing this morning and got quite a bit done despite a problem I was having with one scene. I cut the scene down and removed some things I didn't need, then had a bit of trouble piecing it back together because my muse seems to have dozed off. I finally managed to get it put back together, though I'm not sure it's all that brilliant. However, after four hours of butt in chair, said butt is now decidedly numb, so I think I will take a break, get up and move around a bit. I have a bunch of housework calling my name...


Melissa Amateis said...

Four hours of writing? Wow! You go, girl!

Tess said...

Hope the day continued well! And I'd rather write than do chores any time *g*.

Anonymous said...

Ow on the four hours, but way to go!