Monday, July 18, 2005

One Week & A Day

Not that I'm counting, but that's how long until I board the plane for Reno. Woo hoo! I'm getting more excited as each day passes, and a little freaked out because there still seems to be so much to do. I think the thing freaking me out the most is the idea of pitching. I know I'm going in there with index cards but I just have these visions of verbal dyslexia hitting and me speaking in tongues. Perhaps I should bring a translator with me...

I took the dog up to the vet this morning for what I HOPE will be her last surgery. The poor pooch has been through enough the past few months and my bank account is suffering as well. I told her she simply has to be healthy after this because Mama's been bled dry and someone chopped down the money tree I tried to grow in the back yard. Granted, they were nice enough to replace it with a lovely begonia that is now in bloom, but still...I would have preferred the money. So now begins the interminable wait for the vet to call after the surgery and tell me (fingers crossed) that everything went great and Cooper is fine and dandy. My stomach is usually in knots until I get that call. Hence the unkymood of this morning.

I worked most of the weekend on my outline for D&B. I decided that as I finish each scene capsule, I'll tag the story, romance and sub plot threads at that time, hopefully cutting down on what needs to be done later. These characters are making it very easy to write this story. So far they've all been very cooperative. Granted a few of them have an attitude, but they take that out on each other and leave me alone. I must pen them a lovely thank you note when I find the time.

I've switched the time the story takes place, but that's been about the only major change I've made since the idea hit me. I had originally planned on it taking place in early Victorian times (1839), but for the life of me every time I pictured these characters they were dressed as if it were the early 1820s, so I finally gave in. The original idea I had that required a later time period had been altered so that it no longer was required. So it is now 1822 in their little world.

And in my little world it is 8:30 AM, which sadly means I must leave for work.


Kelly Boyce said...

Well that's definitely better than resembling a pressure cooker, 'cause those things are usually short and squat and well...hey...wait a minute...

Donna Grant said...

I hope its good news on Cooper. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

You money tree was chopped down, too. What's up with that? :)

Kelly Boyce said...

Thanks Donna! I just heard from the vet and Coop came thru no problem. Big sigh. Now if she'll just stay healthy I'll be all set.

Tess said...

Yay Coop!!! So glad the pup's ok. Hope the outlining continues to go well. Been interesting tracking your progress!